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LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Game Audio Network Guild (G.A.N.G.) today announced its new board of directors who, along with the officers, will lead the established community of video game audio creatives in industry-wide initiatives.

2018年9月25日洛杉矶/PRNewswire/ - 游戏音频网络协会(G.A.N.G.)今天宣布了其新任董事会成员,该董事会将与会员们一起带领设立已久的视频游戏音频创意团体实施在全行业的倡议。

The refreshed board includes 


Becky Allen, 343 Industries, Microsoft;

Russell Brower, composer;

MaryClare Brzytwa, San Francisco Conservatory of Music;

Anastasia Devana, Magic Leap;

Scott Gershin, Sound Lab at Keywords Studios;

Jason Hayes, composer;

Leslie Ann Jones, Skywalker Sound;

Sally-anne Kellaway, Microsoft Mixed Reality;

Phillip Kovats, Sony Interactive Entertainment;

Paul Lipson, Formosa Group;

Kristofor Mellroth, Microsoft Studios;

Shannon Potter, Formosa Group;

Brian Schmidt, Executive Director of GameSoundCon;

Scott Selfon, Oculus VR;

Guy Whitmore, composer;

Wilbert Roget II, composer.


"I'm inspired by the collective talent represented within the new board," said Brian Schmidt, President of G.A.N.G. "It's vital we continue to inform and educate on the importance of interactive audio, paving the way for future generations interested in pursuing a career in the interactive audio industry, and recognizing excellence in game audio through the annual Game Audio Network Guild Awards show. We are fortunate to be joined by esteemed industry experts."


“我被新董事会共同的才能所鼓舞,” G.A.N.G.的董事长Brian Schmidt说,“至关重要的是,我们不断地在互动音频的重要性方面进行宣传和教育,为将来有兴趣把互动音频行业作为职业生涯的新一代铺平道路,并通过一年一度的游戏音频网络协会的颁奖典礼来表彰那些有卓越品质的游戏音频作品。我们很幸运有这些受人尊敬的行业专家加入我们的行列。”


G.A.N.G. is the leading organization for those involved with music, sound design, dialogue, and development for games and interactive media. Its mission is to support members through networking, education, advocacy and recognition. The non-profit was founded in 2002 by Tommy Tallarico, an industry veteran who has worked on over 300 video game titles. Tallarico is the President of Intellivision and CEO of Video Games Live, a multi-award-winning symphony orchestra that has played video game music across the world. This year Tallarico assumed the role of G.A.N.G. Chair Emeritus.


G.A.N.G. 是从事游戏音乐、声音设计、语音和互动媒体开发的领先组织。其使命是通过建立网络沟通、教育、宣传来褒奖与支持会员。这个非盈利性的组织是由Tommy Tallarico于2002年创立的,他是一位行业资深人士,从事过300多个视频游戏的开发工作。Tallarico是Intellivision的总裁兼Video Game Live的首席执行官,这是一个多次获奖的交响乐团,且在世界各地表演过视频游戏音乐。今年,Tallarico担任了G.A.N.G.的荣誉主席职务。


"The dream from the beginning was to create an organization that would truly benefit everyone for many generations to come, and be able to adapt to the ever-changing game industry," said Tallarico. "As G.A.N.G. moves into its next chapter of leadership, we can take comfort knowing that people care as much about the organization now as we did when we first started it. I look forward to watching what the future holds for G.A.N.G."

“最初的梦想是为了创建一个组织,让未来几代人都能真正受益,并且能够适应不断变化的游戏产业,” Tallarico说,“随着G.A.N.G.进入下一个领导篇章,我们很欣慰的知道,当代人们对组织的关心程度不亚于我们刚开始的时候。我期待着看到G.A.N.G.的未来。”


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SOURCE Game Audio Network Guild

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