打算先做Gerstner Wave。

对于Gerstner Wave的处理,uwa那个项目还有一种非常神奇的做法,一般都是在顶点着色器里对多个波形叠加,通过增加顶点数来提高精度,而它直接用cb先在片段着色器里画出波形并且存到贴图中,然后再对贴图进行采样得到位置。毋庸置疑这种做法得到的波是非常平滑自然的,特别美妙。具体步骤如下:
2.用程序计算生成Gerstner Wave的一系列参数,传递给材质进行渲染。
3.渲染流程是通过commandbuff去做的。Gerstner Wave前面说了,是通过片段着色器去渲染,所以直接画一个四边形就行。

先把天空盒的光线算进去,根据视线和法线,可以算出反射光线,采样天空盒,在用菲尼尔处理一下,菲尼尔用的是schlick 近似公式










打算先做Gerstner Wave。

public void GenerateWaveData(int componentsPerOctave, ref float[] wavelengths, ref float[] anglesDeg, ref float[] phases)
{ int totalComponents = NUM_OCTAVES * componentsPerOctave; if (wavelengths == null || wavelengths.Length != totalComponents) wavelengths = new float[totalComponents]; if (anglesDeg == null || anglesDeg.Length != totalComponents) anglesDeg = new float[totalComponents]; if (phases == null || phases.Length != totalComponents) phases = new float[totalComponents]; float minWavelength = Mathf.Pow(2f, SMALLEST_WL_POW_2); float invComponentsPerOctave = 1f / componentsPerOctave; for (int octave = 0; octave < NUM_OCTAVES; octave++) { for (int i = 0; i < componentsPerOctave; i++) { int index = octave * componentsPerOctave + i; float minWavelengthi = minWavelength + invComponentsPerOctave * minWavelength * i; float maxWavelengthi = Mathf.Min(minWavelengthi + invComponentsPerOctave * minWavelength, 2f * minWavelength); wavelengths[index] = Mathf.Lerp(minWavelengthi, maxWavelengthi, Random.value); float rnd; rnd = (i + Random.value) * invComponentsPerOctave; anglesDeg[index] = (2f * rnd - 1f) * _waveDirectionVariance; rnd = (i + Random.value) * invComponentsPerOctave; phases[index] = 2f * Mathf.PI * rnd; } minWavelength *= 2f; } }
public float GetAmplitude(float wavelength, float componentsPerOctave) { float wl_pow2 = Mathf.Log(wavelength) / Mathf.Log(2f); wl_pow2 = Mathf.Clamp(wl_pow2, SMALLEST_WL_POW_2, SMALLEST_WL_POW_2 + NUM_OCTAVES - 1f); int index = (int)(wl_pow2 - SMALLEST_WL_POW_2); float wl_lo = Mathf.Pow(2f, Mathf.Floor(wl_pow2)); float k_lo = 2f * Mathf.PI / wl_lo; float omega_lo = k_lo * ComputeWaveSpeed(wl_lo); float wl_hi = 2f * wl_lo; float k_hi = 2f * Mathf.PI / wl_hi; float omega_hi = k_hi * ComputeWaveSpeed(wl_hi); float domega = (omega_lo - omega_hi) / componentsPerOctave; float a_2 = 2f * Mathf.Pow(10f, _powerLog[index]) * domega; var a = Mathf.Sqrt(a_2); return a; }
对于Gerstner Wave的处理,uwa那个项目还有一种非常神奇的做法,一般都是在顶点着色器里对多个波形叠加,通过增加顶点数来提高精度,而它直接用cb先在片段着色器里画出波形并且存到贴图中,然后再对贴图进行采样得到位置。毋庸置疑这种做法得到的波是非常平滑自然的,特别美妙。具体步骤如下:
2.用程序计算生成Gerstner Wave的一系列参数,传递给材质进行渲染。
3.渲染流程是通过commandbuff去做的。Gerstner Wave前面说了,是通过片段着色器去渲染,所以直接画一个四边形就行。
//四边形uv是0-1,调整到[-0.5,0.5]之间。texelSize是生成的贴图的大小,i_res是缩放过的系数。假设是放大8倍的四边形,那么i_res就是32/size,也就是32*[-0.5,0.5], 就是[-16,16],而回字形海面刚好是4x4的格子,对应正确。再从中心进行偏移,就成功从uv转到世界坐标了(这里其实是回字形特有的算法,不必深究,只要知道是从uv得到世界坐标就好)。 float2 LD_UVToWorld(in float2 i_uv, in float2 i_centerPos, in float i_res, in float i_texelSize) { return i_texelSize * i_res * (i_uv - 0.5) + i_centerPos; } float2 LD_0_UVToWorld(in float2 i_uv) { return LD_UVToWorld(i_uv, _LD_Pos_Scale_0.xy, _LD_Params_0.y, _LD_Params_0.x); } v2f vert( appdata_t v ) { v2f o; o.vertex = float4(v.vertex.x, -v.vertex.y, 0., .5); float2 worldXZ = LD_0_UVToWorld(v.uv); o.worldPos_wt.xy = worldXZ; o.uv = v.uv; return o; } //GridSize是每个像素代表的长度,由外部传入 float MinWavelengthForCurrentOrthoCamera() { return _GridSize * _TexelsPerWave; } //波速可以通过公式获得,具体参考下面链接地址 float ComputeWaveSpeed(float wavelength, float g) { // wave speed of deep sea ocean waves: // //float g = 9.81; float k = 2. * 3.141593 / wavelength; float cp = sqrt(g / k); return cp; const float one_over_2pi = 0.15915494; return sqrt(wavelength*g*one_over_2pi); } half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { const half minWavelength = MinWavelengthForCurrentOrthoCamera(); half3 result = (half3)0.; for (uint vi = 0; vi < BATCH_SIZE / 4; vi++) { [unroll] for (uint ei = 0; ei < 4; ei++) { if (_Wavelengths[vi][ei] == 0.) { return half4(result, 0.); } half wt = 1; //按照求解公式,我们可以找到对应项,D是方向,点乘P,也就是位置,C和NowTime对应tφ,k就是频率,2π/波长,最后就是振幅A和Q,Q这里是_Chop,从外部传入,到这里,公式已经计算完毕,就可以得到最终的波形图了,存在rgbafloat的贴图中 half C = ComputeWaveSpeed(_Wavelengths[vi][ei], _Gravity * _GravityScales[vi][ei]); half2 D = half2(cos(_Angles[vi][ei]), sin(_Angles[vi][ei])); half k = TWOPI / _Wavelengths[vi][ei]; half x = dot(D, i.worldPos_wt.xy); half3 result_i = wt * _Amplitudes[vi][ei]; result_i.y *= cos(k*(x + C * NowTime) + _Phases[vi][ei]); result_i.xz *= -_Chop * _ChopScales[vi][ei] * D * sin(k*(x + C * NowTime) + _Phases[vi][ei]); result += result_i; } } return half4(i.worldPos_wt.z * result, 0.); }
//这里采样两次,也是回字形造成的 void SampleDisplacements(in sampler2D i_dispSampler, in float2 i_uv, in float i_wt, inout float3 io_worldPos) { const half3 disp = tex2Dlod(i_dispSampler, float4(i_uv, 0., 0.)).xyz; io_worldPos += i_wt * disp; } half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { const float2 worldPosXZ = LD_0_UVToWorld(i.uv); // sample the shape 1 texture at this world pos const float2 uv_1 = LD_1_WorldToUV(worldPosXZ); float3 result = 0.; SampleDisplacements(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_0, i.uv, 1.0, result); // waves to combine down from the next lod up the chain SampleDisplacements(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, uv_1, 1.0, result); return half4(result, 1.); }好了,现在终于可以进入顶点着色器看怎么进行波形扰动了。
void OnWillRenderObject() { Camera.current.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth; // per instance data if (_mpb == null) { _mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } _rend.GetPropertyBlock(_mpb); float meshScaleLerp = 0f; float farNormalsWeight = 1f; _mpb.SetVector("_InstanceData", new Vector4(meshScaleLerp, farNormalsWeight, _lodIndex)); //每个小格子的长度 float squareSize = Mathf.Pow(2f, Mathf.Round(Mathf.Log(transform.lossyScale.x) / Mathf.Log(2f))) / _baseVertDensity; float mul = 1.875f; // fudge 1 float pow = 1.4f; // fudge 2 float normalScrollSpeed0 = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Log(1f + 2f * squareSize) * mul, pow); float normalScrollSpeed1 = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Log(1f + 4f * squareSize) * mul, pow); _mpb.SetVector("_GeomData", new Vector3(squareSize, normalScrollSpeed0, normalScrollSpeed1)); // assign lod data to ocean shader var ldaws = Ocean.Instance._lodDataAnimWaves; ldaws.BindResultData(_lodIndex, 0, _mpb); if (_lodIndex + 1 < Ocean.Instance.CurrentLodCount) { ldaws.BindResultData(_lodIndex + 1, 1, _mpb); } _mpb.SetTexture(_reflectionTexId, Texture2D.blackTexture); _rend.SetPropertyBlock(_mpb); } public void SetInstanceData(int lodIndex, int totalLodCount, float baseVertDensity) { _lodIndex = lodIndex; _totalLodCount = totalLodCount; _baseVertDensity = baseVertDensity; }
//这里有一个小技巧,就是以最小格子为单位进行移动,因为在顶点数有限的情况下,如果顶点移动不是跳跃式,那么中间插值会导致轻微闪烁。这里采用的是2倍最小格子,原因是三角形分布式2x2对称的,保持稳定性。后面是因为回字形缩放,要让边缘部分逐渐放大到两倍,和下一个lod完美对齐 float ComputeLodAlpha(float3 i_worldPos, float i_meshScaleAlpha) { float2 offsetFromCenter = float2(abs(i_worldPos.x - _OceanCenterPosWorld.x), abs(i_worldPos.z - _OceanCenterPosWorld.z)); float taxicab_norm = max(offsetFromCenter.x, offsetFromCenter.y); float lodAlpha = taxicab_norm / _LD_Pos_Scale_0.z - 1.0; const float BLACK_POINT = 0.15, WHITE_POINT = 0.85; lodAlpha = max((lodAlpha - BLACK_POINT) / (WHITE_POINT - BLACK_POINT), 0.); lodAlpha = min(lodAlpha, 1.); return lodAlpha; } void SnapAndTransitionVertLayout(float i_meshScaleAlpha, inout float3 io_worldPos, out float o_lodAlpha) { const float SQUARE_SIZE_2 = 2.0*_GeomData.x, SQUARE_SIZE_4 = 4.0*_GeomData.x; io_worldPos.xz -= frac(unity_ObjectToWorld._m03_m23 / SQUARE_SIZE_2) * SQUARE_SIZE_2; o_lodAlpha = ComputeLodAlpha(io_worldPos, i_meshScaleAlpha); float2 m = frac(io_worldPos.xz / SQUARE_SIZE_4); // this always returns positive float2 offset = m - 0.5; const float minRadius = 0.26; if (abs(offset.x) < minRadius) io_worldPos.x += offset.x * o_lodAlpha * SQUARE_SIZE_4; if (abs(offset.y) < minRadius) io_worldPos.z += offset.y * o_lodAlpha * SQUARE_SIZE_4; } //采样偏移之后,还需要计算法线,通过xz两个方向,分别进行采样,相减再叉乘,就会得到法线,可以画图求解 void SampleDisplacementsNormals(in sampler2D i_dispSampler, in float2 i_uv, in float i_wt, in float i_invRes, in float i_texelSize, inout float3 io_worldPos, inout half2 io_nxz) { const float4 uv = float4(i_uv, 0., 0.); const half3 disp = tex2Dlod(i_dispSampler, uv).xyz; io_worldPos += i_wt * disp; float3 n; { float3 dd = float3(i_invRes, 0.0, i_texelSize); half3 disp_x = dd.zyy + tex2Dlod(i_dispSampler, uv + dd.xyyy).xyz; half3 disp_z = dd.yyz + tex2Dlod(i_dispSampler, uv + dd.yxyy).xyz; n = normalize(cross(disp_z - disp, disp_x - disp)); } io_nxz += i_wt * n.xz; } v2f vert( appdata_t v ) { v2f o; o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); float lodAlpha; SnapAndTransitionVertLayout(_InstanceData.x, o.worldPos, lodAlpha); o.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.x = lodAlpha; o.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.yz = o.worldPos.xz; o.n_shadow = half4(0., 0., 0., 0.); o.foam_screenPos.x = 0.; o.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.w = 0.; //根据权重,可以对两个lod分别采样混合 float wt_0 = (1. - lodAlpha) * _LD_Params_0.z; float wt_1 = (1. - wt_0) * _LD_Params_1.z; // sample displacement textures, add results to current world pos / normal / foam const float2 worldXZBefore = o.worldPos.xz; if (wt_0 > 0.001) { const float2 uv_0 = LD_0_WorldToUV(worldXZBefore); SampleDisplacementsNormals(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_0, uv_0, wt_0, _LD_Params_0.w, _LD_Params_0.x, o.worldPos, o.n_shadow.xy); } if (wt_1 > 0.001) { const float2 uv_1 = LD_1_WorldToUV(worldXZBefore); SampleDisplacementsNormals(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, uv_1, wt_1, _LD_Params_1.w, _LD_Params_1.x, o.worldPos, o.n_shadow.xy); } // convert height above -1000m to depth below surface o.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.w = DEPTH_BASELINE - o.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.w; // foam can saturate o.foam_screenPos.x = saturate(o.foam_screenPos.x); // view-projection o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(o.worldPos, 1.)); UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o, o.vertex); return o; }

//法线贴图采样,uv通过两个魔数进行滚动。为了保证连续性,直接对下一个lod也进行一样的采样,但nstretch要翻倍,因为lod翻倍了,采样完毕后,把法线的值返回 half2 SampleNormalMaps(float2 worldXZUndisplaced, float lodAlpha) { const float2 v0 = float2(0.94, 0.34), v1 = float2(-0.85, -0.53); const float geomSquareSize = _GeomData.x; float nstretch = _NormalsScale * geomSquareSize; // normals scaled with geometry const float spdmulL = _GeomData.y; half2 norm = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normals, (v0*NowTime*spdmulL + worldXZUndisplaced) / nstretch)).xy + UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normals, (v1*NowTime*spdmulL + worldXZUndisplaced) / nstretch)).xy; // blend in next higher scale of normals to obtain continuity const float farNormalsWeight = _InstanceData.y; const half nblend = lodAlpha * farNormalsWeight; if (nblend > 0.001) { // next lod level nstretch *= 2.; const float spdmulH = _GeomData.z; norm = lerp(norm, UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normals, (v0*NowTime*spdmulH + worldXZUndisplaced) / nstretch)).xy + UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normals, (v1*NowTime*spdmulH + worldXZUndisplaced) / nstretch)).xy, nblend); } // approximate combine of normals. would be better if normals applied in local frame. return _NormalsStrength * norm; } //拿到法线后,和原始法线进行叠加混合 float pixelZ = LinearEyeDepth(i.vertex.z); half3 screenPos = i.foam_screenPos.yzw; half2 uvDepth = screenPos.xy / screenPos.z; float sceneZ01 = tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, uvDepth).x; float sceneZ = LinearEyeDepth(sceneZ01); float3 lightDir = WorldSpaceLightDir(i.worldPos); // Soft shadow, hard shadow fixed2 shadow = (fixed2)1.0; // Normal - geom + normal mapping half3 n_geom = normalize(half3(i.n_shadow.x, 1., i.n_shadow.y)); if (underwater) n_geom = -n_geom; half3 n_pixel = n_geom; n_pixel.xz += (underwater ? -1. : 1.) * SampleNormalMaps(i.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.yz, i.lodAlpha_worldXZUndisplaced_oceanDepth.x); n_pixel = normalize(n_pixel); half3 OceanEmission(in const half3 i_view, in const half3 i_n_pixel, in const float3 i_lightDir,in const half4 i_grabPos, in const float i_pixelZ, in const half2 i_uvDepth, in const float i_sceneZ, in const float i_sceneZ01,in const half3 i_bubbleCol, in sampler2D i_normals, in sampler2D i_cameraDepths, in const bool i_underwater, in const half3 i_scatterCol) { half3 col = i_scatterCol; // underwater bubbles reflect in light col += i_bubbleCol; return col; }
先把天空盒的光线算进去,根据视线和法线,可以算出反射光线,采样天空盒,在用菲尼尔处理一下,菲尼尔用的是schlick 近似公式
void ApplyReflectionSky(half3 view, half3 n_pixel, half3 lightDir, half shadow, half4 i_screenPos, inout half3 col) { // Reflection half3 refl = reflect(-view, n_pixel); half3 skyColour; skyColour = texCUBE(_Skybox, refl).rgb; // Fresnel const float IOR_AIR = 1.0; const float IOR_WATER = 1.33; // reflectance at facing angle float R_0 = (IOR_AIR - IOR_WATER) / (IOR_AIR + IOR_WATER); R_0 *= R_0; // schlick's approximation float R_theta = R_0 + (1.0 - R_0) * pow(1.0 - max(dot(n_pixel, view), 0.), _FresnelPower); col = lerp(col, skyColour, R_theta); }

skyColour += pow(max(0., dot(refl, lightDir)), _DirectionalLightFallOff) * _DirectionalLightBoost * _LightColor0 * shadow;

#if _SUBSURFACESCATTERING_ON { // light // use the constant term (0th order) of SH stuff - this is the average. it seems to give the right kind of colour col *= half3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w); // Approximate subsurface scattering - add light when surface faces viewer. Use geometry normal - don't need high freqs. half towardsSun = pow(max(0., dot(i_lightDir, -i_view)), _SubSurfaceSunFallOff); col += (_SubSurfaceBase + _SubSurfaceSun * towardsSun) * _SubSurfaceColour.rgb * _LightColor0 * shadow; } #endif // _SUBSURFACESCATTERING_ON

v2f vert( appdata_t v ) { v2f o; o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos( v.vertex ); float altitude = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex).y; o.depth = altitude - (_OceanCenterPosWorld.y - depthMax); return o; } float frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.depth; }
拿到深度,并且把depth还原成离水面的距离,如果depth很小,那么波长就要变小 const half depth = depthMax - tex2D(_LD_Sampler_SeaFloorDepth_0, i.uv).x; half wt = 1; half depth_wt = saturate(depth / (0.5 * _Wavelengths[vi][ei])); wt *= .1 + .9 * depth_wt;

const half2 uvBackground = i_grabPos.xy / i_grabPos.w; //根据法线方向折射处理 half2 uvBackgroundRefract = uvBackground + _RefractionStrength * i_n_pixel.xz; half3 sceneColour; half3 alpha = 0.; float depthFogDistance; //从深度贴图获得深度,并和顶点的深度作比较,如果顶点深度大于背景深度,那么就把距离算出来 否则说明水在物体下面 const half2 uvDepthRefract = i_uvDepth + _RefractionStrength * i_n_pixel.xz; const float sceneZRefract = LinearEyeDepth(tex2D(i_cameraDepths, uvDepthRefract).x); // Compute depth fog alpha based on refracted position if it landed on an underwater surface, or on unrefracted depth otherwise if (sceneZRefract > i_pixelZ) { depthFogDistance = sceneZRefract - i_pixelZ; } else { depthFogDistance = i_sceneZ - i_pixelZ; uvBackgroundRefract = uvBackground; } sceneColour = tex2D(_BackgroundTexture, uvBackgroundRefract).rgb; //对透明度根据距离进行处理 alpha = 1. - exp( * depthFogDistance); // blend from water colour to the scene colour col = lerp(sceneColour, col, alpha);

透明和扰动都有了,但是边缘部分的切边还是很明显。一般这种时候就需要泡沫来帮忙了。 以前我曾经用两层泡沫图叠加的方式去做,效果一般般。而且根据深度去产生泡沫也并不正确,在海浪的波峰也是有可能产生泡沫的,泡沫产生的原因主要是因为运动撕裂程度大。在海洋统计学里可以用雅克比行列式(完全看不懂)去做,这里也可以模仿。
//这是大猫知乎上关于雅克比行列式求解过程 for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) { int index = i * resolution + j; Vector2 dDdx =; Vector2 dDdy =; //ddx就是将改点的偏移减去x轴一个像素的偏移,ddy对应y轴 if (i != resolution - 1) { dDdx = 0.5f * (hds[index] - hds[index + resolution]); } if (j != resolution - 1) { dDdy = 0.5f * (hds[index] - hds[index + 1]); } //这是行列式的值,后面应该是调整的值 float jacobian = (1 + dDdx.x) * (1 + dDdy.y) - dDdx.y * dDdy.x; Vector2 noise = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(normals[index].x), Mathf.Abs(normals[index].z)) * 0.3f; float turb = Mathf.Max(1f - jacobian + noise.magnitude, 0f); float xx = 1f + 3f * Mathf.SmoothStep(1.2f, 1.8f, turb); xx = Mathf.Min(turb, 1.0f); xx = Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, turb); colors[index] = new Color(xx, xx, xx, xx); } } half frag(v2f i) : SV_Target { float4 uv = float4(i.uv_uv_lastframe.xy, 0., 0.); float4 uv_lastframe = float4(, 0., 0.); // #if _FLOW_ON half4 velocity = half4(tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_Flow_1, uv).xy, 0., 0.); half foam = tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_Foam_0, uv_lastframe - ((_SimDeltaTime * _LD_Params_0.w) * velocity) ).x; half2 r = abs(uv_lastframe.xy - 0.5); if (max(r.x, r.y) > 0.5 - _LD_Params_0.w) { // no border wrap mode for RTs in unity it seems, so make any off-texture reads 0 manually foam = 0.; } // fade foam *= max(0.0, 1.0 - _FoamFadeRate * _SimDeltaTime); // sample displacement texture and generate foam from it const float3 dd = float3(_LD_Params_1.w, 0.0, _LD_Params_1.x); half3 s = tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, uv).xyz; half3 sx = tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, uv + dd.xyyy).xyz; half3 sz = tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, uv + dd.yxyy).xyz; float3 disp =; float3 disp_x = dd.zyy +; float3 disp_z = dd.yyz +; // The determinant of the displacement Jacobian is a good measure for turbulence: // > 1: Stretch // < 1: Squash // < 0: Overlap //把两边偏移相减,这里是直接算行列式,没有+1的操作,算出foam后,还要根据深度去加强foam float4 du = float4(disp_x.xz, disp_z.xz) - disp.xzxz; float det = (du.x * du.w - du.y * du.z) / (_LD_Params_1.x * _LD_Params_1.x); foam += 5. * _SimDeltaTime * _WaveFoamStrength * saturate(_WaveFoamCoverage - det); // add foam in shallow water. use the displaced position to ensure we add foam where world objects are. float4 uv_1_displaced = float4(LD_1_WorldToUV(i.worldXZ + disp.xz), 0., 1.); float signedOceanDepth = depthMax - tex2Dlod(_LD_Sampler_SeaFloorDepth_1, uv_1_displaced).x + disp.y; foam += _ShorelineFoamStrength * _SimDeltaTime * saturate(1. - signedOceanDepth / _ShorelineFoamMaxDepth); return foam; }
void SampleFoam(in sampler2D i_oceanFoamSampler, float2 i_uv, in float i_wt, inout half io_foam) { io_foam += i_wt * tex2Dlod(i_oceanFoamSampler, float4(i_uv, 0., 0.)).x; } half WhiteFoamTexture(half i_foam, float2 i_worldXZUndisplaced) { //这里负责白色泡沫 half ft = lerp( tex2D(_FoamTexture, (1.25*i_worldXZUndisplaced + NowTime / 10.) / _FoamScale).r, tex2D(_FoamTexture, (3.00*i_worldXZUndisplaced - NowTime / 10.) / _FoamScale).r, 0.5); // black point fade i_foam = saturate(1. - i_foam); return smoothstep(i_foam, i_foam + _WaveFoamFeather, ft); } void ComputeFoam(half i_foam, float2 i_worldXZUndisplaced, float2 i_worldXZ, half3 i_n, float i_pixelZ, float i_sceneZ, half3 i_view, float3 i_lightDir, half i_shadow, out half3 o_bubbleCol, out half4 o_whiteFoamCol) { half foamAmount = i_foam; //海岸线衰减 foamAmount *= saturate((i_sceneZ - i_pixelZ) / _ShorelineFoamMinDepth); // Additive underwater foam - use same foam texture but add mip bias to blur for free //这里进行了偏移,类似于模糊处理 float2 foamUVBubbles = (lerp(i_worldXZUndisplaced, i_worldXZ, 0.05) + 0.5 * NowTime * _WindDirXZ) / _FoamScale + 0.125 * i_n.xz; half bubbleFoamTexValue = tex2Dlod(_FoamTexture, float4(.74 * foamUVBubbles - _FoamBubbleParallax * i_view.xz / i_view.y, 0., 5.)).r; o_bubbleCol = (half3)bubbleFoamTexValue * _FoamBubbleColor.rgb * saturate(i_foam * _WaveFoamBubblesCoverage) * AmbientLight(); // White foam on top, with black-point fading half whiteFoam = WhiteFoamTexture(foamAmount, i_worldXZUndisplaced); o_whiteFoamCol.rgb = _FoamWhiteColor.rgb * (AmbientLight() + _WaveFoamLightScale * _LightColor0 * i_shadow); o_whiteFoamCol.a = _FoamWhiteColor.a * whiteFoam; }


col += pow(saturate(0.5 + 2.0 * waveHeight / _SubSurfaceHeightMax), _SubSurfaceHeightPower) * _SubSurfaceCrestColour.rgb;
void SampleSeaFloorHeightAboveBaseline(in sampler2D i_oceanDepthSampler, float2 i_uv, in float i_wt, inout half io_oceanDepth) { io_oceanDepth += i_wt * (tex2Dlod(i_oceanDepthSampler, float4(i_uv, 0., 0.)).x); } #if _SUBSURFACESHALLOWCOLOUR_ON float shallowness = pow(1. - saturate(depth / _SubSurfaceDepthMax), _SubSurfaceDepthPower); half3 shallowCol = _SubSurfaceShallowCol; col = lerp(col, shallowCol, shallowness); #endif

void ApplyCaustics(in const half3 i_view, in const half3 i_lightDir, in const float i_sceneZ, in sampler2D i_normals, inout half3 io_sceneColour) { // could sample from the screen space shadow texture to attenuate this.. // underwater caustics - dedicated to P float3 camForward = mul((float3x3)unity_CameraToWorld, float3(0., 0., 1.)); float3 scenePos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - i_view * i_sceneZ / dot(camForward, -i_view); const float2 scenePosUV = LD_1_WorldToUV(scenePos.xz); half3 disp = 0.; // this gives height at displaced position, not exactly at query position.. but it helps. i cant pass this from vert shader // because i dont know it at scene pos. SampleDisplacements(_LD_Sampler_AnimatedWaves_1, scenePosUV, 1.0, disp); half waterHeight = _OceanCenterPosWorld.y + disp.y; half sceneDepth = waterHeight - scenePos.y; half bias = abs(sceneDepth - _CausticsFocalDepth) / _CausticsDepthOfField; // project along light dir, but multiply by a fudge factor reduce the angle bit - compensates for fact that in real life // caustics come from many directions and don't exhibit such a strong directonality float2 surfacePosXZ = scenePos.xz + i_lightDir.xz * sceneDepth / (4.*i_lightDir.y); half2 causticN = _CausticsDistortionStrength * UnpackNormal(tex2D(i_normals, surfacePosXZ / _CausticsDistortionScale)).xy; half4 cuv1 = half4((surfacePosXZ / _CausticsTextureScale + 1.3 *causticN + half2(0.044*NowTime + 17.16, -0.169*NowTime)), 0., bias); half4 cuv2 = half4((1.37*surfacePosXZ / _CausticsTextureScale + 1.77*causticN + half2(0.248*NowTime, 0.117*NowTime)), 0., bias); half causticsStrength = _CausticsStrength; io_sceneColour *= 1. + causticsStrength * (0.5*tex2Dbias(_CausticsTexture, cuv1).x + 0.5*tex2Dbias(_CausticsTexture, cuv2).x - _CausticsTextureAverage); }
