
Vector3[] GetCorners(float distance) { Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4]; float halfFOV = (Camera.main.fieldOfView * 0.5f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; float aspect = Camera.main.aspect; float height = distance * Mathf.Tan(halfFOV); float width = height * aspect; Transform tx = Camera.main.transform; // UpperLeft corners[0] = tx.position - (tx.right * width); corners[0] += tx.up * height; corners[0] += tx.forward * distance; // UpperRight corners[1] = tx.position + (tx.right * width); corners[1] += tx.up * height; corners[1] += tx.forward * distance; // LowerLeft corners[2] = tx.position - (tx.right * width); corners[2] -= tx.up * height; corners[2] += tx.forward * distance; // LowerRight corners[3] = tx.position + (tx.right * width); corners[3] -= tx.up * height; corners[3] += tx.forward * distance; return corners; }
v2f vert(appdata_full v) { v2f o; UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(v); UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(v, o); float3 centerOffs = * float3(_RainX, 1, _RainZ); float4 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); float3 normalDir = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - worldPos; normalDir.y = 0; normalDir = normalize(normalDir); float3 upDir = float3(0, 1, 0); float3 rightdir = cross(upDir, normalDir); float3 pos1 = float3(unity_ObjectToWorld[0].w, unity_ObjectToWorld[1].w, unity_ObjectToWorld[2].w); = pos1 + rightdir * centerOffs.z + upDir * centerOffs.x + normalDir * centerOffs.y; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(, 1)); o.uv.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord.xy, _MainTex); return o; }

由于是局部雨,摄像机快速移动或者瞬间切换位置的时候,需要还原雨本应该的场景。 我们保存上一帧的AABB盒,并且对当前的AABB盒遍历,判断如果在原来的AABB盒内,那么就啥都不做,否则需要还原雨滴。

inline float2 ComputeRipple(float2 UV, float CurrentTime, float Weight) { float4 Ripple = tex2Dlod(_RippleTex, float4(UV, 0, 0)); Ripple += tex2Dlod(_RippleTex, float4(UV, 0, 1)); Ripple *= 0.5; Ripple.yz = Ripple.yz * 2 - 1; float DropFrac = frac(Ripple.w + CurrentTime); float TimeFrac = DropFrac - 1.0f + Ripple.x; float DropFactor = saturate(0.2f + Weight * 0.8f - DropFrac); float FinalFactor = DropFactor * Ripple.x * sin(clamp(TimeFrac * 9.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f) * 3.141592653589793); return Ripple.yz * FinalFactor; } inline float3 AddWaterRipples(float3 i_worldPos, float fadeOut) { float4 Weights = RainIntensity * 2 - float4(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75); Weights = saturate(Weights * 4); float animSpeed = _Time.y; float2 Ripple1 = ComputeRipple(float2(i_worldPos.xz * _RippleTile + float2(0.025f, 0.0f) * _Time.y), animSpeed, Weights.x); float2 Ripple2 = ComputeRipple(float2(i_worldPos.xz * _RippleTile + float2(-0.055f, 0.03f) * _Time.y), animSpeed * 0.71, Weights.y); float3 rippleNormal = float3(Weights.x * Ripple1.xy + Weights.y * Ripple2.xy, 1); return lerp(float3(0, 0, 1), rippleNormal, fadeOut); }


float3 BRDF3_Direct1(float3 diffColor, float3 specColor, float rlPow4, float smoothness) { float LUT_RANGE = 16.0; // must match range in NHxRoughness() function in GeneratedTextures.cpp // Lookup texture to save instructions float specular = tex2D(unity_NHxRoughness, float2(rlPow4, SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness1(smoothness))).UNITY_ATTEN_CHANNEL * LUT_RANGE; return diffColor + specular * specColor; } float3 BRDF3_Indirect1(float3 diffColor, float3 specColor, float grazingTerm, float fresnelTerm, float r) { float3 c = diffColor; r = min(r, 0.5); c += lerp(specColor, grazingTerm, min(r, fresnelTerm)); return c; } float4 BRDF3_Unity_PBS1(float3 diffColor, float3 specColor, float oneMinusReflectivity, float smoothness, float3 normal, float3 viewDir, float _Roughness1, float reflect1) { float3 reflDir = reflect(viewDir, normal); float nl = saturate(dot(normal,; float nv = saturate(dot(normal, viewDir)); // Vectorize Pow4 to save instructions float2 rlPow4AndFresnelTerm = Pow4(float2(dot(reflDir,, 1 - nv)); // use R.L instead of N.H to save couple of instructions float rlPow4 = rlPow4AndFresnelTerm.x; // power exponent must match kHorizontalWarpExp in NHxRoughness() function in GeneratedTextures.cpp float fresnelTerm = rlPow4AndFresnelTerm.y; float grazingTerm = saturate(smoothness + (1 - oneMinusReflectivity)); float3 color = BRDF3_Direct1(diffColor, specColor, rlPow4, smoothness) * 0.7; color *= _LightColor0 * nl; float3 floatDir = normalize( + viewDir); float d = max(0, dot(floatDir, normalize(float3(-normal.x, 2, -normal.z)))); //color += BRDF3_Indirect1(diffColor, specColor, grazingTerm, fresnelTerm, _Roughness1) * 0.15; color += color * pow(d, 128 * reflect1) * normal.y * 6 * reflect1; return float4(color, 1); }
Shader.SetGlobalTexture("DepthTex", depthTexture); Matrix4x4 mat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(camera.projectionMatrix, true); mat = mat * camera.worldToCameraMatrix; Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("depthMat", mat); Matrix4x4 matV = mat.inverse; Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("depthMatV", matV); void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest) { // Copy the source Render Texture to the destination, // applying the material along the way. //Graphics.Blit(src, dest, mat); float widthMod = 1f / (1f * (1 << downSample)); Vector4 param = new Vector4(blurSize * widthMod, -blurSize * widthMod, 0f, 0f); blurMaterial.SetVector("_Parameter", param); src.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; int rtW = src.width >> downSample; int rtH = src.height >> downSample; RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtW, rtH, 0, src.format); rt.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; Graphics.Blit(src, rt, blurMaterial, 0); int pass = 0; for(int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { float iteroff = i * 1f; blurMaterial.SetVector("_Parameter", new Vector4(blurSize * widthMod + iteroff, -blurSize * widthMod - iteroff, 0f, 0f)); RenderTexture rt2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtW, rtH, 0, src.format); rt2.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; Graphics.Blit(rt, rt2, blurMaterial, 1 + pass); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt); rt = rt2; rt2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtW, rtH, 0, src.format); rt2.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; Graphics.Blit(rt, rt2, blurMaterial, 2 + pass); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt); rt = rt2; } Graphics.Blit(rt, dest); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt); }
float2 depthuv = i.depthuv * 0.5 + 0.5; #if UNITY_REVERSED_Z depthuv.y = 1 - depthuv.y; #endif float depth = DecodeFloatRGBA(tex2D(DepthTex, depthuv)); #if UNITY_REVERSED_Z #else depth = depth * 2 - 1; #endif float4 proj = float4(depthuv * 2 - 1, depth, 1); float4 world = mul(depthMatV, proj); float3 nrml = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normal, i.normalUV.xy)); nrml += UnpackNormal(tex2D(_Normal,; float4 uv1 = i.ref; uv1.xy += nrml.xy * 0.1; float4 refl = tex2Dproj(_ReflectionTex, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(uv1)); if (i.worldPos.y < world.y / world.w - 1) { float diff = world.y / world.w - i.worldPos.y - 1; nrml *= max(0, 1 - diff); _refract *= max(0, 1 - diff); } float4 _Rough = tex2D(_RoughTex, i.uv * 0.5 + nrml.xy * _refract * 0.004); float wet = min(1,ComputeWater(_Rough.g,, _refract) + _Rough.b * _Bump); float ref = (1 - wet) * 2.5; float4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + nrml.xy * _refract * 0.004 * ref); float3 specColor = lerp(unity_ColorSpaceDielectricSpec.rgb, col.rgb, _Roughness); float oneMinusReflectivity = OneMinusReflectivityFromMetallic1(_Roughness); float3 diffColor = col.rgb * oneMinusReflectivity; float smoothness = 0.5; float dis = distance(_WorldSpaceCameraPos, i.worldPos); if (i.worldPos.y < world.y / world.w - 1) { float diff1 = world.y / world.w - i.worldPos.y - 1; dis += 999999*diff1; wet += 0.3 * diff1; wet = min(0.7, wet); }
private void OnWillRenderObject() { if(this.enabled == false) { return; } Camera cam = Camera.current; if(!cam || cam != Camera.main) { return; } if(insideWater) { return; } insideWater = true; Camera reflectCamera; CreateWaterObjects(cam, out reflectCamera); Vector3 pos = transform.position; Vector3 normal = transform.up; UpdateCameraModes(cam, reflectCamera); float d = -Vector3.Dot(normal, pos) - clipPlaneOffset; Vector4 reflectionPlane = new Vector4(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, d); Matrix4x4 reflection =; CalculateReflectionMatrix(ref reflection, reflectionPlane); Vector3 oldpos = cam.transform.position; Vector3 newpos = reflection.MultiplyPoint(oldpos); reflectCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = cam.worldToCameraMatrix * reflection; Vector4 clipPlane = CameraSpacePlane(reflectCamera, pos, normal, 1f); reflectCamera.projectionMatrix = cam.CalculateObliqueMatrix(clipPlane); reflectCamera.cullingMatrix = cam.projectionMatrix * cam.worldToCameraMatrix; reflectCamera.cullingMask = reflectLayers.value; reflectCamera.targetTexture = m_reflectionTexture; bool oldCulling = GL.invertCulling; GL.invertCulling = !oldCulling; reflectCamera.transform.position = newpos; Vector3 euler = cam.transform.eulerAngles; reflectCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-euler.x, euler.y, euler.z); reflectCamera.Render(); reflectCamera.transform.position = oldpos; GL.invertCulling = oldCulling; render.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_ReflectionTex", m_reflectionTexture); insideWater = false; }
