#!/bin/bash CURRENT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" CMP_PATH=$CURRENT_PATH/quick/bin SRC_PATH=$CURRENT_PATH/../src OUT_PATH=$CURRENT_PATH/../res/sc MYSIG="BJGAME" MYKEY="W@Z#X^^" cd $CMP_PATH # ./compile_scripts.sh -i $SRC_PATH -x main,config,cocos,framework -o $OUT_PATH/game.tg -e xxtea_zip -es $MYSIG -ek $MYKEY #android的可能有问题 ./compile_scripts.sh -m files -i $SRC_PATH -x main,config,cocos,framework -o $OUT_PATH/ -e xxtea_chunk -es $MYSIG -ek $MYKEY
$options = array( array('h', 'help', 0, false, 'show help'), array('i', 'src', 1, null, 'source files directory'), array('o', 'output', 1, null, 'output filename | output directory'), array('p', 'prefix', 1, '', 'package prefix name'), array('x', 'excludes', 1, null, 'excluded packages'), array('m', 'compile', 1, 'zip', 'compile mode'), array('e', 'encrypt', 1, null, 'encrypt mode'), array('ek', 'key', 1, null, 'encrypt key'), array('es', 'sign', 1, null, 'encrypt sign'), array('ex', 'extname', 1, 'lua', 'encrypted file extension name (default is "lua"), only valid for xxtea_chunk'), array('c', 'config', 1, null, 'load options from config file'), array('q', 'quiet', 0, false, 'quiet'), array('jit', 'jit', 0, false, 'using luajit compile framework'), ); -h 帮助 -i 源码目录,input -o 输出文件或目录,output -p 包前缀 -x 不包括文件夹或文件,如果你有些源文件不想被编译进去的话,将会用到这个参数 -m 编译模式:zip(zip压缩格式)、files(离散文件) -e 加密模式:xxtea_zip(对zip包进行 xxtea 加密)、xxtea_chunk(对.luac 进行加密) -ek 加密密钥 -es 加密签名 -ex 编译后的文件的后缀名 -c 从一个文件加载参数列表 -q 生成过程不输出信息 compile mode: -m zip (default) package all scripts bytecodes to a ZIP archive file. -m c package all scripts bytecodes to a C source file. -m files save bytecodes to separate files. -o specifies output dir. encrypt mode: -e xxtea_zip encrypt ZIP archive file with XXTEA algorithm, -e xxtea_chunk encrypt every bytecodes chunk with XXTEA algorithm. * default encrypt sign is "XXTEA" * output file extension name is "bytes"
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() { ... //protofuf lua luaopen_protobuf_c(L); LuaStack* stack = engine->getLuaStack(); stack->setXXTEAKeyAndSign("W@Z#X^^", strlen("W@Z#X^^"), "BJGAME", strlen("BJGAME")); string path = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename("src/main.lua"); CCLOG("path ==%s",path.c_str()); size_t pos; while ((pos = path.find_first_of("\\")) != std::string::npos) { path.replace(pos, 1, "/"); } size_t p = path.find_last_of("/\\"); if (p != path.npos) { const string dir = path.substr(0, p); stack->addSearchPath(dir.c_str()); p = dir.find_last_of("/\\"); if (p != dir.npos) { stack->addSearchPath(dir.substr(0, p).c_str()); } } string env = "__LUA_STARTUP_FILE__=\""; env.append(path); env.append("\""); stack->executeString(env.c_str()); CCLOG("------------------------------------------------"); CCLOG("LOAD LUA FILE: %s", path.c_str()); CCLOG("------------------------------------------------"); //#ifdef DEBUG // engine->executeScriptFile(path.c_str()); // //#else // // stack->executeScriptFile(path.c_str()); // stack->loadChunksFromZIP("res/sc/game.tg"); // string script_main = ""; // script_main += "require(\"main\")"; // // CCLOG("Boot script: \n%s", script_main.c_str()); // engine->executeString(script_main.c_str()); // // //#endif return true; }