Unity 5.3 Assetbundle热更资源
public static void BuildAssetResource(BuildTarget target) { string dataPath = Util.DataPath; if (Directory.Exists(dataPath)) { Directory.Delete(dataPath, true); } string resPath = Util.AppDataPath + "/" + AppConst.AssetDirname + "/"; if (!Directory.Exists(resPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(resPath); } //生成assetbundle BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(resPath, BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, target); paths.Clear(); files.Clear(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); ///----------------------创建文件列表----------------------- string newFilePath = resPath + "/files.txt"; if (File.Exists(newFilePath)) File.Delete(newFilePath); paths.Clear(); files.Clear(); Recursive(resPath); FileStream fs = new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { string file = files[i]; if (file.EndsWith(".meta") || file.Contains(".DS_Store")) { continue; } string md5 = Util.md5file(file); string value = file.Replace(resPath, string.Empty); sw.WriteLine(value + "|" + md5); } sw.Close(); fs.Close(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace AssetBundles { public abstract class AssetBundleLoadOperation : IEnumerator { public object Current { get { return null; } } public bool MoveNext() { return !IsDone(); } public void Reset() { } abstract public bool Update(); abstract public bool IsDone(); } public class AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation : AssetBundleLoadOperation { protected string m_AssetBundleName; protected string m_LevelName; protected bool m_IsAdditive; protected string m_DownloadingError; protected AsyncOperation m_Request; public AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation(string assetbundleName, string levelName, bool isAdditive) { m_AssetBundleName = assetbundleName; m_LevelName = levelName; m_IsAdditive = isAdditive; } public override bool Update() { if (m_Request != null) return false; LoadedAssetBundle bundle = AssetBundleManager.GetLoadedAssetBundle(m_AssetBundleName, out m_DownloadingError); if (bundle != null) { if (m_IsAdditive) m_Request = Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync(m_LevelName); else m_Request = Application.LoadLevelAsync(m_LevelName); return false; } else return true; } public override bool IsDone() { if (m_Request == null && m_DownloadingError != null) { Debug.LogError(m_DownloadingError); return true; } return m_Request != null && m_Request.isDone; } } public abstract class AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation : AssetBundleLoadOperation { public abstract T GetAsset<T>() where T : UnityEngine.Object; } public class AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationSimulation : AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation { Object m_SimulatedObject; public AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationSimulation(Object simulatedObject) { m_SimulatedObject = simulatedObject; } public override T GetAsset<T>() { return m_SimulatedObject as T; } public override bool Update() { return false; } public override bool IsDone() { return true; } } public class AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFull : AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation { protected string m_AssetBundleName; protected string m_AssetName; protected string m_DownloadingError; protected System.Type m_Type; protected AssetBundleRequest m_Request = null; public AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFull(string bundleName, string assetName, System.Type type) { m_AssetBundleName = bundleName; m_AssetName = assetName; m_Type = type; } public override T GetAsset<T>() { if (m_Request != null && m_Request.isDone) { return m_Request.asset as T; } else { return null; } } public override bool Update() { if (m_Request != null) return false; LoadedAssetBundle bundle = AssetBundleManager.GetLoadedAssetBundle(m_AssetBundleName, out m_DownloadingError); if (bundle != null) { m_Request = bundle.m_AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync(m_AssetName, m_Type); return false; } else { return true; } } public override bool IsDone() { if (m_Request == null && m_DownloadingError != null) { Debug.LogError(m_DownloadingError); return true; } return m_Request != null && m_Request.isDone; } } public class AssetBundleLoadManifestOperation : AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFull { public AssetBundleLoadManifestOperation(string bundleName, string assetName, System.Type type) : base(bundleName, assetName, type) { } public override bool Update() { base.Update(); if (m_Request != null && m_Request.isDone) { AssetBundleManager.AssetBundleManifestObject = GetAsset<AssetBundleManifest>(); return false; } else { return true; } } } }
using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AssetBundles { public class LoadedAssetBundle { public AssetBundle m_AssetBundle; public int m_ReferencedCount; public LoadedAssetBundle(AssetBundle assetBundle) { m_AssetBundle = assetBundle; m_ReferencedCount = 1; } } public class AssetBundleManager : MonoBehaviour { static string m_BaseDownloadingURL = ""; static string[] m_ActiveVariants = { }; static AssetBundleManifest m_AssetBundleManifest = null; static Dictionary<string, LoadedAssetBundle> m_LoadedAssetBundles = new Dictionary<string, LoadedAssetBundle>(); static Dictionary<string, WWW> m_DownloadingWWWs = new Dictionary<string, WWW>(); static Dictionary<string, string> m_DownloadingErrors = new Dictionary<string, string>(); static List<AssetBundleLoadOperation> m_InProgressOperations = new List<AssetBundleLoadOperation>(); static Dictionary<string, string[]> m_Dependencies = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(); // The base downloading url which is used to generate the full downloading url with the assetBundle names. public static string BaseDownloadingURL { get { return m_BaseDownloadingURL; } set { m_BaseDownloadingURL = value; } } // Variants which is used to define the active variants. public static string[] ActiveVariants { get { return m_ActiveVariants; } set { m_ActiveVariants = value; } } // AssetBundleManifest object which can be used to load the dependecies and check suitable assetBundle variants. public static AssetBundleManifest AssetBundleManifestObject { set { m_AssetBundleManifest = value; } } public static void SetSourceAssetBundleDirectory(string relativePath) { BaseDownloadingURL = Util.GetStreamingAssetsPath() + relativePath; } public static void SetSourceAssetBundleURL(string absolutePath) { BaseDownloadingURL = absolutePath + Utility.GetPlatformName() + "/"; } public static void SetDevelopmentAssetBundleServer() { TextAsset urlFile = Resources.Load("AssetBundleServerURL") as TextAsset; string url = (urlFile != null) ? urlFile.text.Trim() : null; if (url == null || url.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("Development Server URL could not be found."); } else { AssetBundleManager.SetSourceAssetBundleURL(url); } } // Get loaded AssetBundle, only return vaild object when all the dependencies are downloaded successfully. static public LoadedAssetBundle GetLoadedAssetBundle(string assetBundleName, out string error) { if (m_DownloadingErrors.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out error)) { return null; } LoadedAssetBundle bundle = null; m_LoadedAssetBundles.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out bundle); if (bundle == null) { return null; } // No dependencies are recorded, only the bundle itself is required. string[] dependencies = null; if (!m_Dependencies.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out dependencies)) { return bundle; } // Make sure all dependencies are loaded foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { if (m_DownloadingErrors.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out error)) { return bundle; } // Wait all the dependent assetBundles being loaded. LoadedAssetBundle dependentBundle; m_LoadedAssetBundles.TryGetValue(dependency, out dependentBundle); if (dependentBundle == null) { return null; } } return bundle; } public static AssetBundleLoadManifestOperation Initialize() { BaseDownloadingURL = Util.GetRelativePath(); // return Initialize(Utility.GetPlatformName()); return Initialize(AppConst.AssetDirname); } // Load AssetBundleManifest. public static AssetBundleLoadManifestOperation Initialize(string manifestAssetBundleName) { var go = new GameObject("AssetBundleManager", typeof(AssetBundleManager)); DontDestroyOnLoad(go); LoadAssetBundle(manifestAssetBundleName, true); var operation = new AssetBundleLoadManifestOperation(manifestAssetBundleName, "AssetBundleManifest", typeof(AssetBundleManifest)); m_InProgressOperations.Add(operation); return operation; } // Load AssetBundle and its dependencies. protected static void LoadAssetBundle(string assetBundleName, bool isLoadingAssetBundleManifest = false) { if (!isLoadingAssetBundleManifest) { if (m_AssetBundleManifest == null) { Debug.LogError("Please initialize AssetBundleManifest by calling AssetBundleManager.Initialize()"); return; } } // Check if the assetBundle has already been processed. bool isAlreadyProcessed = LoadAssetBundleInternal(assetBundleName, isLoadingAssetBundleManifest); // Load dependencies. if (!isAlreadyProcessed && !isLoadingAssetBundleManifest) { LoadDependencies(assetBundleName); } } // Remaps the asset bundle name to the best fitting asset bundle variant. protected static string RemapVariantName(string assetBundleName) { string[] bundlesWithVariant = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundlesWithVariant(); string[] split = assetBundleName.Split('.'); int bestFit = int.MaxValue; int bestFitIndex = -1; // Loop all the assetBundles with variant to find the best fit variant assetBundle. for (int i = 0; i < bundlesWithVariant.Length; i++) { string[] curSplit = bundlesWithVariant[i].Split('.'); if (curSplit[0] != split[0]) continue; int found = System.Array.IndexOf(m_ActiveVariants, curSplit[1]); // If there is no active variant found. We still want to use the first if (found == -1) found = int.MaxValue - 1; if (found < bestFit) { bestFit = found; bestFitIndex = i; } } if (bestFit == int.MaxValue - 1) { Debug.LogWarning("Ambigious asset bundle variant chosen because there was no matching active variant: " + bundlesWithVariant[bestFitIndex]); } if (bestFitIndex != -1) { return bundlesWithVariant[bestFitIndex]; } else { return assetBundleName; } } // Where we actuall call WWW to download the assetBundle. protected static bool LoadAssetBundleInternal(string assetBundleName, bool isLoadingAssetBundleManifest) { // Already loaded. LoadedAssetBundle bundle = null; m_LoadedAssetBundles.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out bundle); if (bundle != null) { bundle.m_ReferencedCount++; return true; } if (m_DownloadingWWWs.ContainsKey(assetBundleName)) { return true; } WWW download = null; string url = m_BaseDownloadingURL + assetBundleName; // For manifest assetbundle, always download it as we don't have hash for it. if (isLoadingAssetBundleManifest) { download = new WWW(url); } else { download = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(url, m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAssetBundleHash(assetBundleName), 0); } m_DownloadingWWWs.Add(assetBundleName, download); return false; } // Where we get all the dependencies and load them all. static protected void LoadDependencies(string assetBundleName) { if (m_AssetBundleManifest == null) { Debug.LogError("Please initialize AssetBundleManifest by calling AssetBundleManager.Initialize()"); return; } // Get dependecies from the AssetBundleManifest object.. string[] dependencies = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(assetBundleName); if (dependencies.Length == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++) { dependencies[i] = RemapVariantName(dependencies[i]); } // Record and load all dependencies. m_Dependencies.Add(assetBundleName, dependencies); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++) { LoadAssetBundleInternal(dependencies[i], false); } } // Unload assetbundle and its dependencies. static public void UnloadAssetBundle(string assetBundleName) { UnloadAssetBundleInternal(assetBundleName); UnloadDependencies(assetBundleName); } static protected void UnloadDependencies(string assetBundleName) { string[] dependencies = null; if (!m_Dependencies.TryGetValue(assetBundleName, out dependencies)) { return; } // Loop dependencies. foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { UnloadAssetBundleInternal(dependency); } m_Dependencies.Remove(assetBundleName); } static protected void UnloadAssetBundleInternal(string assetBundleName) { string error; LoadedAssetBundle bundle = GetLoadedAssetBundle(assetBundleName, out error); if (bundle == null) { return; } if (--bundle.m_ReferencedCount == 0) { bundle.m_AssetBundle.Unload(false); m_LoadedAssetBundles.Remove(assetBundleName); } } void Update() { // Collect all the finished WWWs. var keysToRemove = new List<string>(); foreach (var keyValue in m_DownloadingWWWs) { WWW download = keyValue.Value; // If downloading fails. if (download.error != null) { m_DownloadingErrors.Add(keyValue.Key, string.Format("Failed downloading bundle {0} from {1}: {2}", keyValue.Key, download.url, download.error)); keysToRemove.Add(keyValue.Key); continue; } // If downloading succeeds. if (download.isDone) { AssetBundle bundle = download.assetBundle; if (bundle == null) { m_DownloadingErrors.Add(keyValue.Key, string.Format("{0} is not a valid asset bundle.", keyValue.Key)); keysToRemove.Add(keyValue.Key); continue; } m_LoadedAssetBundles.Add(keyValue.Key, new LoadedAssetBundle(download.assetBundle)); keysToRemove.Add(keyValue.Key); } } // Remove the finished WWWs. foreach (var key in keysToRemove) { WWW download = m_DownloadingWWWs[key]; m_DownloadingWWWs.Remove(key); download.Dispose(); } // Update all in progress operations for (int i = 0; i < m_InProgressOperations.Count; ) { if (!m_InProgressOperations[i].Update()) { m_InProgressOperations.RemoveAt(i); } else { i++; } } } // Load asset from the given assetBundle. public static AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation LoadAssetAsync(string assetBundleName, string assetName, System.Type type) { AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation operation = null; assetBundleName = RemapVariantName(assetBundleName); LoadAssetBundle(assetBundleName); operation = new AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFull(assetBundleName, assetName, type); m_InProgressOperations.Add(operation); return operation; } // Load level from the given assetBundle. public static AssetBundleLoadOperation LoadLevelAsync(string assetBundleName, string levelName, bool isAdditive) { AssetBundleLoadOperation operation = null; assetBundleName = RemapVariantName(assetBundleName); LoadAssetBundle(assetBundleName); operation = new AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation(assetBundleName, levelName, isAdditive); m_InProgressOperations.Add(operation); return operation; } } }
IEnumerator OnUpdateResource() { string dataPath = Util.DataPath; //数据目录 string url = AppConst.WebUrl + AppConst.AppName + "/"; string listUrl = url + "files.txt"; WWW www = new WWW(listUrl); yield return www; if (www.error != null) { yield break; } if (!Directory.Exists(dataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } File.WriteAllBytes(dataPath + "files.txt", www.bytes); string filesText = www.text; string[] files = filesText.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(files[i])) { continue; } string[] keyValue = files[i].Split('|'); string f = keyValue[0]; string localfile = (dataPath + f).Trim(); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(localfile); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string fileUrl = url + f; bool canUpdate = !File.Exists(localfile); if (!canUpdate) { string remoteMd5 = keyValue[1].Trim(); string localMd5 = Util.md5file(localfile); canUpdate = !remoteMd5.Equals(localMd5); if (canUpdate) { File.Delete(localfile); } } if (canUpdate) { //这里都是资源文件,用线程下载 BeginDownload(fileUrl, localfile); } } while (!updateWorker.IsDownFinish()) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); StartGame(); }
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(mainAsset, null, Application.dataPath + "mydll.assetbundle", BuildAssetBundleOptions.None,BuildTarget.Android); WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return www; if(www.error != null) { Debug.Log("加载 出错"); } if(www.isDone) { Debug.Log("加载完毕"); AssetBundle ab = www.assetBundle; try { Assembly aly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(((TextAsset)www.assetBundle.mainAsset).bytes); foreach (var i in aly.GetTypes()) { //调试代码 Debug.Log(i.Name); Component c = this.gameObject.AddComponent(i); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("加载DLL出错"); Debug.Log(e.Message); } }