Unity Sqlite数据库操作
using UnityEngine; using System.Data; using System; using System.Collections; using Mono.Data.Sqlite; public class DbAccess { private SqliteConnection dbConnection; private SqliteCommand dbCommand; private SqliteDataReader reader; public DbAccess (string connectionString) { OpenDB (connectionString); } public DbAccess () { } /// <summary> /// 打开数据库 /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string.</param> public void OpenDB (string connectionString) { try { dbConnection = new SqliteConnection (connectionString); dbConnection.Open (); Debug.Log ("Connected to db"); } catch(Exception e) { string temp1 = e.ToString(); Debug.Log(temp1); } } /// <summary> /// 关闭数据库 /// </summary> public void CloseSqlConnection () { if (dbCommand != null) { dbCommand.Dispose (); } dbCommand = null; if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose (); } reader = null; if (dbConnection != null) { dbConnection.Close (); } dbConnection = null; Debug.Log ("Disconnected from db."); } /// <summary> /// 执行sql语句 /// </summary> /// <returns>The query.</returns> /// <param name="sqlQuery">查询语句.</param> public SqliteDataReader ExecuteQuery (string sqlQuery) { Debug.Log ("sql="+sqlQuery); dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand (); dbCommand.CommandText = sqlQuery; reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader (); return reader; } /// <summary> /// 查询整个table的数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>The full table.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">表名.</param> public SqliteDataReader ReadFullTable (string tableName) { string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 插入数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>The into.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">表名</param> /// <param name="values">需要插入的字段内容,注意字符串需要添加单引号 如 ‘name’</param> public SqliteDataReader InsertInto (string tableName, string[] values) { string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (" + values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + values[i]; } query += ")"; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 更新table内容 /// </summary> /// <returns>The into.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">Table 名称.</param> /// <param name="cols">需要更新的字段名称数组.</param> /// <param name="colsvalues">需要更新的字段对应的值.</param> /// <param name="selectkey">更新依据的字段.</param> /// <param name="selectvalue">更新依据字段对应的值</param> public SqliteDataReader UpdateInto (string tableName, string []cols,string []colsvalues,string selectkey,string selectvalue) { string query = "UPDATE "+tableName+" SET "+cols[0]+" = "+colsvalues[0]; for (int i = 1; i < colsvalues.Length; ++i) { query += ", " +cols[i]+" ="+ colsvalues[i]; } query += " WHERE "+selectkey+" = "+selectvalue+" "; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 根据删除条件,删除对应的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="tableName">Table 名称.</param> /// <param name="cols">字段数组.</param> /// <param name="colsvalues">字段数组对应的值.</param> public SqliteDataReader Delete(string tableName,string []cols,string []colsvalues) { string query = "DELETE FROM "+tableName + " WHERE " +cols[0] +" = " + colsvalues[0]; for (int i = 1; i < colsvalues.Length; ++i) { query += " or " +cols[i]+" = "+ colsvalues[i]; } return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 插入数据,只插入部分字段的数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>The into specific.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">Table 名称.</param> /// <param name="cols">需要插入的字段数组.</param> /// <param name="values">需要插入的字段数组对应的值.</param> public SqliteDataReader InsertIntoSpecific (string tableName, string[] cols, string[] values) { if (cols.Length != values.Length) { throw new SqliteException ("columns.Length != values.Length"); } string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + cols[0]; for (int i = 1; i < cols.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + cols[i]; } query += ") VALUES (" + values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + values[i]; } query += ")"; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 根据表名,删除该表的全部数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>The contents.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">Table name.</param> public SqliteDataReader DeleteContents (string tableName) { string query = "DELETE FROM " + tableName; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 创建一个数据表 /// </summary> /// <returns>The table.</returns> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> /// <param name="col">Col.</param> /// <param name="colType">Col type.</param> public SqliteDataReader CreateTable (string name, string[] col, string[] colType) { if (col.Length != colType.Length) { throw new SqliteException ("columns.Length != colType.Length"); } string query = "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" + col[0] + " " + colType[0]; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + col[i] + " " + colType[i]; } query += ")"; return ExecuteQuery (query); } /// <summary> /// 根据条件筛选数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>The where.</returns> /// <param name="tableName">Table name.</param> /// <param name="items">需要筛选的字段.</param> /// <param name="col">筛选条件的健.</param> /// <param name="operation">筛选符号,如 >,<,= </param>.</param> /// <param name="values">筛选条件的值.</param> public SqliteDataReader SelectWhere (string tableName, string[] items, string[] col, string[] operation, string[] values) { if (col.Length != operation.Length || operation.Length != values.Length) { throw new SqliteException ("col.Length != operation.Length != values.Length"); } string query = "SELECT " + items[0]; for (int i = 1; i < items.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + items[i]; } query += " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + col[0] + operation[0] + "'" + values[0] + "' "; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += " AND " + col[i] + operation[i] + "'" + values[0] + "' "; } return ExecuteQuery (query); } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Mono.Data.Sqlite; public class SqliteTest1 : MonoBehaviour { string dbPath; string dbName; DbAccess db; // Use this for initialization void Start () { dbName="userInfo.db"; dbPath=getPath (); if (!System.IO.File.Exists (dbPath)) { //创建数据库 db = new DbAccess ("data source=" + dbPath); //创建数据库表,与字段 SqliteDataReader reader= db.CreateTable ("user", new string[]{ "name", "age", "sex", "adress" }, new string[]{ "text", "integer", "text", "text" }); if (reader != null) Debug.Log ("create tabel success"); else Debug.LogError ("create tabel fail"); } else db = new DbAccess ("data source=" + dbPath); //关闭对象 //db.CloseSqlConnection(); } string getPath(){ string path=Application.dataPath+"/"+dbName; #if UNITY_EDITOR path=Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/"+dbName; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists (path)){ // System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir=new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Application.streamingAssetsPath); // dir.Create(); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.streamingAssetsPath); } #elif UNITY_ANDROID path=Application.persistentDataPath+"/"+dbName; #elif UNITY_IOS path=Application.persistentDataPath+"/"+dbName; #endif Debug.Log (Application.dataPath); Debug.Log (Application.persistentDataPath); Debug.Log (Application.temporaryCachePath); Debug.Log (path); return path; } void OnDestroy(){ Debug.Log ("<color=#00ff00>close database</color>"); //关闭对象 db.CloseSqlConnection(); } void InsertData(){ db.InsertInto ("user", new string[]{ "'zhangsan'","11","'man'","'beijing'"}); db.InsertInto ("user", new string[]{ "'lisi'","11","'woman'","'huoying'"}); } void UpdateData(){ db.UpdateInto ("user",new string[]{ "age", "sex"}, new string[]{ "82", "'woman'" },"name","'zhangsan'"); } void DeleteData(){ db.Delete ("user",new string[]{ "age", "sex"}, new string[]{ "82", "'woman'" }); } void QueryData(){ string query = "select * from user where name='zhangsan'"; SqliteDataReader reader=db.ExecuteQuery (query); while(reader.Read()){ Debug.Log ("name="+reader["name"]); Debug.Log ("age="+reader["age"]); Debug.Log ("sex="+reader["sex"]); Debug.Log ("adress="+reader["adress"]); } } void SelectData(){ // "select (name,age,sex) from user where age > 20"; SqliteDataReader reader= db.SelectWhere ("user",new string[]{"name","age","sex"},new string[]{"age"},new string[]{">"},new string[]{"20"}); while(reader.Read()){ Debug.Log ("name="+reader["name"]); Debug.Log ("age="+reader["age"]); Debug.Log ("sex="+reader["sex"]); } } void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 20, 100, 40), "insert data")) { InsertData (); } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 80, 100, 40), "delete data")) { DeleteData (); } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 120, 100, 40), "updata data")) { UpdateData (); } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 180, 100, 40), "query data")) { QueryData (); } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 250, 100, 40), "select data")) { SelectData (); } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 20, 100, 40), "query all data")) { SqliteDataReader reader= db.ReadFullTable("user"); int count = 0; while(reader.Read()){ count++; // Debug.Log ("name="+reader["name"]); // Debug.Log ("age="+reader["age"]); // Debug.Log ("sex="+reader["sex"]); // Debug.Log ("adress="+reader["adress"]); Debug.Log ("name=" + reader ["name"] + ",age=" + reader ["age"] + ",sex=" + reader ["sex"] + ",adress=" + reader ["adress"]); } Debug.Log ("count="+count); } } }