Cocos2d-x 抖动效果实现

/** desc:让指定控件抖动 一个CCNode同时执行多个CCShake动作,或者一个CCShake没有完又执行一个CCShake的话就会出现问题,会出现偏移的现象! 解决方案: 1).不要同时执行多个CCShake动作. 2.自己外部记录这个CCNode的位置,执行完成后手动setPosition(); */ #ifndef __SHAKE_H__ #define __SHAKE_H__ #include "actions/CCActionInterval.h" /** * 按指定频度范围内抖动[-strength_x,strength_x][-strength_y, strength_y] */ class CCShake : public cocos2d::CCActionInterval { public: CCShake(); // Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y) static CCShake* create(float d, float strength ); // Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y) static CCShake* createWithStrength(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y ); bool initWithDuration(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y ); protected: virtual void startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode *pTarget); virtual void update(float time); virtual void stop(void); // Initial position of the shaked node float m_initial_x, m_initial_y; // Strength of the action float m_strength_x, m_strength_y; }; /** * 线性抖动(剩余时间越短,抖动范围越小) */ class CCFallOffShake : public CCShake { public: CCFallOffShake(); // Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y) static CCFallOffShake* create(float d, float strength ); // Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y) static CCFallOffShake* createWithStrength(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y ); protected: virtual void update(float time); }; #endif //__SHAKE_H__
#include "ShakeAction.h" #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; // not really useful, but I like clean default constructors CCShake::CCShake() : m_strength_x(0), m_strength_y(0), m_initial_x(0), m_initial_y(0) { } CCShake* CCShake::create( float d, float strength ) { // call other construction method with twice the same strength return createWithStrength( d, strength, strength ); } CCShake* CCShake::createWithStrength(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y) { CCShake *pRet = new CCShake(); if (pRet && pRet->initWithDuration(duration, strength_x, strength_y)) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } bool CCShake::initWithDuration(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y) { if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration)) { m_strength_x = strength_x; m_strength_y = strength_y; return true; } return false; } // Helper function. I included it here so that you can compile the whole file // it returns a random value between min and max included static float fgRangeRand( float min, float max ) { float rnd = CCRANDOM_0_1(); return rnd*(max-min)+min; } void CCShake::update(float dt) { float randx = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_x, m_strength_x )*dt; float randy = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_y, m_strength_y )*dt; // move the target to a shaked position m_pTarget->setPosition( ccpAdd(ccp(m_initial_x, m_initial_y),ccp( randx, randy))); } void CCShake::startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget) { CCActionInterval::startWithTarget( pTarget ); // save the initial position m_initial_x = pTarget->getPosition().x; m_initial_y = pTarget->getPosition().y; } void CCShake::stop(void) { // Action is done, reset clip position this->getTarget()->setPosition( ccp( m_initial_x, m_initial_y ) ); CCActionInterval::stop(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCFallOffShake::CCFallOffShake() { } // Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y) CCFallOffShake* CCFallOffShake::create(float d, float strength ) { return createWithStrength( d, strength, strength ); } // Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y) CCFallOffShake* CCFallOffShake::createWithStrength(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y) { CCFallOffShake *pRet = new CCFallOffShake(); if (pRet && pRet->initWithDuration(duration, strength_x, strength_y)) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } void CCFallOffShake::update(float dt) { float rate = (getDuration() - getElapsed())/getDuration(); if (rate < 0.f) { rate = 0.f; } float randx = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_x, m_strength_x )*rate; float randy = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_y, m_strength_y )*rate; // move the target to a shaked position m_pTarget->setPosition( ccpAdd(ccp(m_initial_x, m_initial_y),ccp( randx, randy))); }