// 键盘事件 public static bool GetKeyDwon(enum KeyCode); // 按键按下(触发一次) public static bool GetKeyDwon(enum KeyCode); // 按键放开(触发一次) public static bool GetKey(enum KeyCode); // 持续按下(持续触发) // 鼠标事件 button:0-左键,1-右键,2-中间件 public static bool GetMouseButtonDown(int button); // 鼠标按下(触发一次) public static bool GetMouseButtonUp(int button); // 鼠标放开(触发一次) public static bool GetMouseButton(int button); // 鼠标按下(持续触发) // 触摸时间 public static int touchCount { get; }; // 触摸点个数 public static Touch GetTouch(int index); // 触摸事件
Values | Description |
Began | A finger touched the screen |
Moved | A finger moved on the screen |
Stationary | A finger is touching the screen but hasn’t moved |
Ended | A finger was lifted from the screen. This is the final phase of a touch |
Canceled | The system cancelled tracking for the touch, as when (for example) the user puts the device to her face or more than five touches happened simultaneously. This is the final phase of a touch |
void Update() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { print('button d'); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { print('left'); } while (i < Input.touchCount) { if (Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { print(i + 'began'); } }
print 只能在运行时类(MonoBehaviour的子类)中使用;