OpenGL进阶(十五):弹簧质点系统(Mass Spring Systems)
一个模拟变形物体最简单额方法就是将其表示为弹簧质点系统(Mass Spring Systems),因为方法简单,这个框架对于学习物理模拟和时间积分的各种技术都比较理想。一个弹簧质点包含了一系列由多个弹簧连接起来的质点,这样的系统的物理属性非常直接,模拟程序也很容易编写。
今天首先说明一下Mass Spring Systems的理论基础,然后来实现绳子的real-time模拟。
假设有N个质点,质量为mi,位置为xi,速度为vi , 1<i<N.
这些质点由一组弹簧S连接,弹簧参数为(i, j, lo, ks, kd). i,j 为连接的弹簧质点,lo为弹簧完全放松时的长度,ks为弹簧弹性系数,kd为阻尼系数,由胡科定律知弹簧施加在两顶点上的力可以表示为:
由受力守恒知 fi fj = 0. fi和fj的大小和弹簧伸长成正比关系。
在模拟算法中,牛顿第二定律是关键,f = ma。在已知质量和外力的情况下,通过 a=f/m 可以得到加速度,将二阶常微分方程写成两个一阶方程:
初始状态为 v(to) = vo, x(to)=xo.
积分将时间t内所有的变化加和,模拟的过程就是从 to 开始不断地计算 x(t) 和 v(t),然后更新质点的位置。
其中delta t 是为时间步长,t为帧号,带入之前的公式得:
- // initialization
- forall particles i
- initialize xi , vi and mi
- endfor
- // simulation loop
- loop
- forall particles i
- fi ← fg fcoll ∑ f(xi , vi , x j , v j )
- endfor
- forall particles i
- vi ← vi ∆t fi /mi
- xi ← xi ∆t vi
- endfor
- display the system every nth time
- endloop
显式积分是最简单的积分方法,不过有一个严重的问题 ——它只能在步长很小的时候稳定,这就意味着在两个可视帧中间需要进行多个模拟步骤,不稳定的主要原因是欧拉方法仅仅依赖于当前状态,它假设在整个步长中,外力是个常量。
假设一个场景:两个质点和一根弹簧,轻轻拉伸后松手,两个小球向中间靠拢,这时候如果时间步长过大,由于力 在一个步长中大小不变,最终结果可能导致弹簧越弹越开,最后被拉断。
环境:Ubuntu12.04 codeblocks10.04 glm9.5
- #ifndef MASS_H
- #define MASS_H
- #include <glm/glm.hpp>
- #include <iostream>
- class Mass
- {
- public:
- Mass(float m);
- ~Mass();
- void applyForce(glm::vec3 force);
- void init();
- void simulate(float dt);
- void setPos(glm::vec3 p);
- void setVel(glm::vec3 v);
- glm::vec3 getPos();
- glm::vec3 getVel();
- float getM();
- protected:
- private:
- // The mass value
- float m;
- // Position in space
- glm::vec3 pos;
- // Velocity
- glm::vec3 vel;
- // Force applied on this mass at an instance
- glm::vec3 force;
- };
- #endif // MASS_H
- #include "mass.h"
- Mass::Mass(float m)
- {
- //ctor
- this->m = m;
- }
- Mass::~Mass()
- {
- //dtor
- }
- void Mass::applyForce(glm::vec3 f)
- {
- this->force = f;
- }
- void Mass::init()
- {
- force.x = 0;
- force.y = 0;
- force.z = 0;
- }
- void Mass::simulate(float dt)
- {
- vel = (force/m) * dt;
- pos = vel * dt;
- }
- glm::vec3 Mass::getPos()
- {
- return pos;
- }
- void Mass::setPos(glm::vec3 p)
- {
- pos = p;
- }
- void Mass::setVel(glm::vec3 v)
- {
- this->vel = v;
- }
- glm::vec3 Mass::getVel()
- {
- return this->vel;
- }
- float Mass::getM()
- {
- return this->m;
- }
- #ifndef SPRING_H
- #define SPRING_H
- #include "mass.h"
- #include <iostream>
- class Spring
- {
- public:
- Spring();
- Spring(Mass* mass1, Mass* mass2,
- float springConstant, float springLength,
- float frictionConstant);
- ~Spring();
- void solve();
- protected:
- private:
- Mass* mass1;
- Mass* mass2;
- float springConstant;
- float restLength;
- float frictionConstant;
- };
- #endif // SPRING_H
- #include "spring.h"
- Spring::Spring()
- {
- //ctor
- }
- Spring::~Spring()
- {
- //dtor
- }
- Spring::Spring(Mass* mass1, Mass* mass2,
- float springConstant, float springLength,
- float frictionConstant)
- {
- this->springConstant = springConstant; //set the springConstant
- this->restLength = springLength; //set the springLength
- this->frictionConstant = frictionConstant; //set the frictionConstant
- this->mass1 = mass1; //set mass1
- this->mass2 = mass2;
- }
- void Spring::solve()
- {
- glm::vec3 springVector = mass1->getPos() - mass2->getPos();
- float r = glm::length(springVector);
- glm::vec3 force(0);
- if(0 != r)
- {
- force = (springVector / r) * (r - restLength) * (-springConstant);
- }
- force = -(mass1->getVel() - mass2->getVel())*frictionConstant;
- mass1->applyForce(force); //force is applied to mass1
- mass2->applyForce(-force);
- }
- #include "ropesimulator.h"
- RopeSimulator::RopeSimulator()
- {
- //ctor
- }
- RopeSimulator::~RopeSimulator()
- {
- //dtor
- }
- RopeSimulator::RopeSimulator(
- int numOfMasses, //1. the number of masses
- float m, //2. weight of each mass
- float springConstant, //3. how stiff the springs are
- float springLength, //4. the length that a spring does not exert any force
- float springFrictionConstant, //5. inner friction constant of spring
- glm::vec3 g, //6. gravitational acceleration
- float airFrictionConstant, //7. air friction constant
- float groundRepulsionConstant, //8. ground repulsion constant
- float groundFrictionConstant, //9. ground friction constant
- float groundAbsorptionConstant, //10. ground absorption constant
- float groundHeight //11. height of the ground (y position)
- )
- {
- this->numOfMasses = numOfMasses;
- this->gravitation = g;
- this->airFrictionConstant = airFrictionConstant;
- this->groundFrictionConstant = groundFrictionConstant;
- this->groundRepulsionConstant = groundRepulsionConstant;
- this->groundAbsorptionConstant = groundAbsorptionConstant;
- this->groundHeight = groundHeight;
- this->masses = new Mass*[numOfMasses];
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will step to every pointer in the array
- {
- masses[count] = new Mass(m);
- masses[count]->init();
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses; index) //To set the initial positions of masses loop with for(;;)
- {
- masses[index]->setPos(glm::vec3(index * springLength,0,0));
- }
- springs = new Spring*[numOfMasses - 1];
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //to create each spring, start a loop
- {
- //Create the spring with index "a" by the mass with index "a" and another mass with index "a 1".
- springs[index] = new Spring(masses[index], masses[index 1],
- springConstant, springLength, springFrictionConstant);
- }
- }
- void RopeSimulator::release()
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // we will delete all of them
- {
- delete(masses[count]);
- masses[count] = NULL;
- }
- delete(masses);
- masses = NULL;
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //to delete all springs, start a loop
- {
- delete(springs[index]);
- springs[index] = NULL;
- }
- delete(springs);
- springs = NULL;
- }
- void RopeSimulator::simulate(float dt)
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will iterate every mass
- {
- masses[count]->simulate(dt);
- // std::cout<<"mass "<<count<<" pos: "<<masses[count]->getVel().x<<masses[count]->getVel().y<<masses[count]->getVel().z<<std::endl;
- }
- ropeConnectionPos = ropeConnectionVel * dt; //iterate the positon of ropeConnectionPos
- if (ropeConnectionPos.y < groundHeight) //ropeConnectionPos shall not go under the ground
- {
- ropeConnectionPos.y = groundHeight;
- ropeConnectionVel.y = 0;
- }
- masses[0]->setPos(ropeConnectionPos); //mass with index "0" shall position at ropeConnectionPos
- masses[0]->setVel(ropeConnectionVel); //the mass's velocity is set to be equal to ropeConnectionVel
- }
- void RopeSimulator::setRopeConnectionPos(glm::vec3 p)
- {
- this->ropeConnectionPos = p;
- }
- void RopeSimulator::setRopeConnectionVel(glm::vec3 v)
- {
- this->ropeConnectionVel = v;
- }
- float RopeSimulator::getGroundHeight()
- {
- return this->groundHeight;
- }
- int RopeSimulator::getNumOfMasses()
- {
- return this->numOfMasses;
- }
- Mass* RopeSimulator::getMass(int index)
- {
- if (index < 0 || index >= numOfMasses) // if the index is not in the array
- return NULL; // then return NULL
- return masses[index];
- }
- void RopeSimulator::operate(float dt)
- {
- this->resetMassesForce();
- this->solve();
- this->simulate(dt);
- }
- void RopeSimulator::solve()
- {
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //apply force of all springs
- {
- springs[index]->solve(); //Spring with index "a" should apply its force
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses; index) //Start a loop to apply forces which are common for all masses
- {
- masses[index]->applyForce(gravitation * masses[index]->getM()); //The gravitational force
- masses[index]->applyForce(-masses[index]->getVel() * airFrictionConstant); //The air friction
- if (masses[index]->getPos().y < groundHeight) //Forces from the ground are applied if a mass collides with the ground
- {
- glm::vec3 v; //A temporary Vector3D
- v = masses[index]->getVel(); //get the velocity
- v.y = 0; //omit the velocity component in y direction
- //The velocity in y direction is omited because we will apply a friction force to create
- //a sliding effect. Sliding is parallel to the ground. Velocity in y direction will be used
- //in the absorption effect.
- masses[index]->applyForce(-v * groundFrictionConstant); //ground friction force is applied
- v = masses[index]->getVel(); //get the velocity
- v.x = 0; //omit the x and z components of the velocity
- v.z = 0; //we will use v in the absorption effect
- //above, we obtained a velocity which is vertical to the ground and it will be used in
- //the absorption force
- if (v.y < 0) //let's absorb energy only when a mass collides towards the ground
- masses[index]->applyForce(-v * groundAbsorptionConstant); //the absorption force is applied
- //The ground shall repel a mass like a spring.
- //By "Vector3D(0, groundRepulsionConstant, 0)" we create a vector in the plane normal direction
- //with a magnitude of groundRepulsionConstant.
- //By (groundHeight - masses[a]->pos.y) we repel a mass as much as it crashes into the ground.
- glm::vec3 force = glm::vec3(0, groundRepulsionConstant, 0) *
- (groundHeight - masses[index]->getPos().y);
- masses[index]->applyForce(force); //The ground repulsion force is applied
- }
- }
- }
- void RopeSimulator::resetMassesForce() // this method will call the init() method of every mass
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will init() every mass
- masses[count]->init(); // call init() method of the mass
- }
- #include "ropesimulator.h"
- RopeSimulator::RopeSimulator()
- {
- //ctor
- }
- RopeSimulator::~RopeSimulator()
- {
- //dtor
- }
- RopeSimulator::RopeSimulator(
- int numOfMasses, //1. the number of masses
- float m, //2. weight of each mass
- float springConstant, //3. how stiff the springs are
- float springLength, //4. the length that a spring does not exert any force
- float springFrictionConstant, //5. inner friction constant of spring
- glm::vec3 g, //6. gravitational acceleration
- float airFrictionConstant, //7. air friction constant
- float groundRepulsionConstant, //8. ground repulsion constant
- float groundFrictionConstant, //9. ground friction constant
- float groundAbsorptionConstant, //10. ground absorption constant
- float groundHeight //11. height of the ground (y position)
- )
- {
- this->numOfMasses = numOfMasses;
- this->gravitation = g;
- this->airFrictionConstant = airFrictionConstant;
- this->groundFrictionConstant = groundFrictionConstant;
- this->groundRepulsionConstant = groundRepulsionConstant;
- this->groundAbsorptionConstant = groundAbsorptionConstant;
- this->groundHeight = groundHeight;
- this->masses = new Mass*[numOfMasses];
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will step to every pointer in the array
- {
- masses[count] = new Mass(m);
- masses[count]->init();
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses; index) //To set the initial positions of masses loop with for(;;)
- {
- masses[index]->setPos(glm::vec3(index * springLength,0,0));
- }
- springs = new Spring*[numOfMasses - 1];
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //to create each spring, start a loop
- {
- //Create the spring with index "a" by the mass with index "a" and another mass with index "a 1".
- springs[index] = new Spring(masses[index], masses[index 1],
- springConstant, springLength, springFrictionConstant);
- }
- }
- void RopeSimulator::release()
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // we will delete all of them
- {
- delete(masses[count]);
- masses[count] = NULL;
- }
- delete(masses);
- masses = NULL;
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //to delete all springs, start a loop
- {
- delete(springs[index]);
- springs[index] = NULL;
- }
- delete(springs);
- springs = NULL;
- }
- void RopeSimulator::simulate(float dt)
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will iterate every mass
- {
- masses[count]->simulate(dt);
- // std::cout<<"mass "<<count<<" pos: "<<masses[count]->getVel().x<<masses[count]->getVel().y<<masses[count]->getVel().z<<std::endl;
- }
- ropeConnectionPos = ropeConnectionVel * dt; //iterate the positon of ropeConnectionPos
- if (ropeConnectionPos.y < groundHeight) //ropeConnectionPos shall not go under the ground
- {
- ropeConnectionPos.y = groundHeight;
- ropeConnectionVel.y = 0;
- }
- masses[0]->setPos(ropeConnectionPos); //mass with index "0" shall position at ropeConnectionPos
- masses[0]->setVel(ropeConnectionVel); //the mass's velocity is set to be equal to ropeConnectionVel
- }
- void RopeSimulator::setRopeConnectionPos(glm::vec3 p)
- {
- this->ropeConnectionPos = p;
- }
- void RopeSimulator::setRopeConnectionVel(glm::vec3 v)
- {
- this->ropeConnectionVel = v;
- }
- float RopeSimulator::getGroundHeight()
- {
- return this->groundHeight;
- }
- int RopeSimulator::getNumOfMasses()
- {
- return this->numOfMasses;
- }
- Mass* RopeSimulator::getMass(int index)
- {
- if (index < 0 || index >= numOfMasses) // if the index is not in the array
- return NULL; // then return NULL
- return masses[index];
- }
- void RopeSimulator::operate(float dt)
- {
- this->resetMassesForce();
- this->solve();
- this->simulate(dt);
- }
- void RopeSimulator::solve()
- {
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses - 1; index) //apply force of all springs
- {
- springs[index]->solve(); //Spring with index "a" should apply its force
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < numOfMasses; index) //Start a loop to apply forces which are common for all masses
- {
- masses[index]->applyForce(gravitation * masses[index]->getM()); //The gravitational force
- masses[index]->applyForce(-masses[index]->getVel() * airFrictionConstant); //The air friction
- if (masses[index]->getPos().y < groundHeight) //Forces from the ground are applied if a mass collides with the ground
- {
- glm::vec3 v; //A temporary Vector3D
- v = masses[index]->getVel(); //get the velocity
- v.y = 0; //omit the velocity component in y direction
- //The velocity in y direction is omited because we will apply a friction force to create
- //a sliding effect. Sliding is parallel to the ground. Velocity in y direction will be used
- //in the absorption effect.
- masses[index]->applyForce(-v * groundFrictionConstant); //ground friction force is applied
- v = masses[index]->getVel(); //get the velocity
- v.x = 0; //omit the x and z components of the velocity
- v.z = 0; //we will use v in the absorption effect
- //above, we obtained a velocity which is vertical to the ground and it will be used in
- //the absorption force
- if (v.y < 0) //let's absorb energy only when a mass collides towards the ground
- masses[index]->applyForce(-v * groundAbsorptionConstant); //the absorption force is applied
- //The ground shall repel a mass like a spring.
- //By "Vector3D(0, groundRepulsionConstant, 0)" we create a vector in the plane normal direction
- //with a magnitude of groundRepulsionConstant.
- //By (groundHeight - masses[a]->pos.y) we repel a mass as much as it crashes into the ground.
- glm::vec3 force = glm::vec3(0, groundRepulsionConstant, 0) *
- (groundHeight - masses[index]->getPos().y);
- masses[index]->applyForce(force); //The ground repulsion force is applied
- }
- }
- }
- void RopeSimulator::resetMassesForce() // this method will call the init() method of every mass
- {
- for (int count = 0; count < numOfMasses; count) // We will init() every mass
- masses[count]->init(); // call init() method of the mass
- }