HTC Vive Pre广受外媒好评 被称为“目前市场上最好的VR产品”

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2016年1月6日-9日,CES2016全球消费电子展在美国拉斯维加斯召开。在本届大会上, HTC推出HTC Vive Pre开发者版本。

HTC Vive Pre头戴设备的新设计大幅提升佩戴者的舒适感,创造更加真实的沉浸式体验,稳定性和平衡性也有所提高。同时,HTC Vive Pre还将现实世界的元素带入虚拟世界的领域,通过最新研发的前置摄像头,使用者不需脱下头戴设备,即可同时融入现实环境与虚拟世界中的情境。HTC Vive Pre控制手柄外形设计进行了优化,采用更加符合人体工程学及更圆润的边缘设计、更好的平衡感、新的触摸按钮以及手感更舒适的手握垫。


在HTC的发布会后,HTC为媒体提供了体验HTC Vive Pre的机会,媒体也对于这款产品给予一致的好评。英国知名媒体BBC Online形容这一体验就像是征服了一座高山那样让人兴奋;科技媒体Gizmodo则形容这是一次令人惊艳的体验;美国知名科技博客Engadget则认为这款产品让HTC在与索尼、Oculus的竞争中如虎添翼;The Verge则用了两个不可思议来形容这次体验,HTC Vive Pre通过一个前置摄像头将现实世界和虚拟世界有机结合并转换,这是一件很酷的事情;Yahoo则将“目前市场上最好的VR产品”授予了HTC Vive Pre,他们认为这款产品是目前最具代表性的。


此次HTC亮相CES 2016推出多款产品,其中最受关注的无疑是HTC Vive Pre,今年亦被市场看成是VR产品进入爆发期的开始。作为全球创新与设计领导者,HTC具备相当强力的创新以及技术优势,这一先发优势将帮助HTC一举奠定在VR领域的领跑地位。




Financial Times : “HTC is making eleventh-hour improvements to its forthcoming virtual reality headset as it looks to trump rivals Sony and Oculus with “room scale” VR.”

Gizmodo: “We have tested the HTC Vive new version of virtual reality: it´s still awesome.”

TechRadar:“HTC reveals its second-generation Vive, and Oculus should be worried.”

The Guardian: “For all the logistical complexity of VR, the results can take your breath away; though HTC’s Vive may end up being one of the most expensive headsets, it has the most flexibility and real potential to change home entertainment”

Engadget:“[Chaperone is] what's going to give the company a leg up on the VR horse race with Oculus and Sony that's fast approaching.”

Mashable:“HTC Vive Pre is a killer VR experience.”

The Verge:“At CES, we’ve finally learned what that was: a front-facing camera that gives wearers a window back into the real world. It’s an undeniably big change — and it's undeniably cool.”

Yahoo Tech!:“The best virtual reality experience just got better, as HTC and Valve have announced the latest version of its Vive headset developer kit, the Vive Pre.”

Mobile Syrup: “Separately, the wares are not particularly unique, but together they constitute what both companies believe is the future of connected wearables: a self-contained ecosystem that gives users tangibly useful data from a number of activities.”

Perusmart: “Today, HTC and Under Armour UA presented HealthBox™, the first connected fitness system, which measures, monitors and manages the most important factors in health and fitness: sleep, exercise, physical activity and nutrition.” (Translated from Spanish)

PocketNow: “Sure, you’ll only see the bottom half when you need to change out the Scale’s four AA batteries, but this is the kind of attention to detail we’ve always loved about HTC, and it’s great to see it used to liven up what could easily have been a pretty mundane product.”

Alpha: "...I was struggling with my re-emergence into reality and my vocabulary had shrunk to ten words. “Amazing,” I managed, once my vocal chords had rearranged themselves. I found a few more words. “About 50 times better than any virtual reality I’ve done before.”

Gadget Show: "Virtual reality will be huge this year, and HTC has just unveiled a big breakthrough with the technology. The newest version of its Vive VR headset has a camera built-in that scans your real-world environment and 'ghosts' objects onto your view of the virtual world."

BBC News Online: "The day's first experience was mind blowing. Inside a small empty room, wearing an HTC Vive, I climbed Mount Everest."

